Article I
Name and Definition
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be Skagit Quarter Midget Racing Club.
Section 2. The Skagit Quarter Midget Racing Club is an association for the Skagit Quarter Midget Racing, which is a club for minor racers ages 5-15 years old. Membership consists of parents and/or guardians of quarter midget racers.
Article II
Section 1. The mission of the Skagit Quarter Midget Racing Club is to instruct the race members on the rules and procedures of racing and to instill good sportsmanship in our racers. The group will also fundraise for track improvements, expenses associated with track preparation for race events and for ribbons and trophies for our race participants that are not covered by membership dues.
- a) Said organization is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501( c)(3)of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
Section 2. Nonprofit Status and Exempt Activities Limitation.
(a) Exempt Activities Limitation. Not withstanding any other provision of these Bylaws, no director, officer, employee, member, or representative of this corporation shall take any action or carry on any activity by or on behalf of the corporation not permitted to be taken or carried on by an organization exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code as it now exists or may be amended, or by any organization contributions to which are deductible under Section 170(c)(2) of such Code and Regulations as it now exists or may be amended. No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit or be distributable to any director, officer, member, or other private person, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in the Articles of Incorporation and these Bylaws.
(b) Distribution Upon Dissolution. Upon termination or dissolution of Skagit Quarter Midget Racing Club, any assets lawfully available for distribution shall be distributed to one (1) or more qualifying organizations described in Section 501(c)(3) of the 2013 Internal Revenue Code (or described in any corresponding provision of any successor statute) which organization or organizations have a charitable purpose which, at least generally, includes a purpose similar to the terminating or dissolving corporation.
The organization to receive the assets of Skagit Quarter Midget Racing Club hereunder shall be selected in the discretion of a majority of the managing body of the corporation, and if its members cannot so agree, then the recipient organization shall be selected pursuant to a verified petition in equity filed in a court of proper jurisdiction against the Skagit Quarter Midget Racing Club, by one (1) or more of its managing body which verified petition shall contain such statements as reasonably indicate the applicability of this section. The court upon a finding that this section is applicable shall select the qualifying organization or organizations to receive the assets to be distributed, giving preference if practicable to organizations located within the State of Washington.
In the event that the court shall find that this section is applicable but that there is no qualifying organization known to it which has a charitable purpose, which, at least generally, includes a purpose similar to the Skagit Quarter Midget Racing Club, then the court shall direct the distribution of its assets lawfully available for distribution to the Treasurer of the State of Washington to be added to the general fund.
Article III
Section 1. The officers of the Skagit Quarter Midget Racing Club shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Fundraiser Coordinator and Tower Director.
Section 2. The term for each office shall be for one year. No officer may hold the same office for three consecutive terms.
Section 3. The President shall:
- Preside at meetings of the Skagit Quarter Midget Racing Club;
- Direct the conduct of the business of the Skagit Quarter Midget Racing Club, acting as its chief officer;
- Perform such other duties as pertain to the office.
Section 4.The Vice President shall:
- Preside at meetings of the Skagit Quarter Midget Racing Club in the absence of the President.
- Direct the conduct of the business of the Skagit Quarter Midget Racing Club, acting as the chief officer in the absence of the President.
- Perform such other duties as pertain to the office in the absence of the President.
Section 5. The Treasurer shall:
- Supervise the financial transactions of the Skagit Quarter Midget Racing Club;
- Submit a financial statement to the membership at meetings when requested by the President, and at such times as may be required;
- Perform such other duties as pertain to the office.
Section 6. The Secretary shall:
- Keep the minutes of the meetings of the Skagit Quarter Midget Racing Club;
- Maintain a roll of membership;
- Ensure club records are properly stored; at meetings;
- Coordinate general correspondence as directed Skagit Quarter Midget Racing Club;
- Have the minutes of the club business meeting available to the members of the Skagit Quarter Midget Racing Club.
Section 7. The Fundraising Coordinator shall:
- Organize fundraising for race sponsorship; organize fundraising for track improvements;
- Facilitate volunteers to work shifts for fundraising booths.
Section 8. The Tower Director shall:
- Operate computer for track scoring and race points;
- Manually score races, as a back up to the computer;
- Compile line-ups, and score sheets for races.
Section 9. The Race Director shall:
- Ensure cars are lined up properly for races;
- Maintain control of track; cars entering and exiting track correctly; no unauthorized people on track;
- Work with flagger to conduct races.
Article IV
Eligibility for Office
Section 1. Each officer of the Skagit Quarter Midget Racing Club shall be an active member of the Racing Club.
Section 2. If the office shall be vacated, the vacancy shall be filled by nominations from the remaining officers.
Article V
Nomination and Election
Section 1. The current President shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting 3 current Racing Club members.
Section 2. The Nominating Committee shall submit a list of nominees to the President before the first meeting of the year.
Section 3 .A motion shall be presented at the next meeting following the decision of the Nominating Committee.
Section 4. The current President shall appoint an Audit Committee, consisting of two parent Racing Club members, past or present to examine the Treasurers books.
Section 5. The audit committee will report their findings to the membership within 60 days.
Section 6. A fiscal committee shall be appointed by the President annually. It shall consist of the 3 current members and the Treasurer who will chair the committee.
Section 7. The duties of the fiscal committee will consist of budget review and fiscal planning.
Article VI
Section 1. Club Committees will be appointed by the President.
Article VII
Section 1. These bylaws may be amended by the affirmative vote of the Voting Members with the following procedure:
- An amendment may be proposed by any parent member.
- A proposal for an amendment shall be submitted at a general meeting or during the race season at the race event and copies of the proposal will be emailed to all members.
- Another general meeting will be scheduled within 30 days to vote on the proposal. During the race season votes may be held at the race event.
Section 2. Amendments to the bylaws shall take effect at the close of the meeting or event at which they are adopted, unless otherwise stated by the President.